1 00:00:02,900 --> 00:00:17,620 [Music] Mr. President 2 00:00:17,620 --> 00:00:21,950 thank you for your kind invitation to participate via this video 3 00:00:21,950 --> 00:00:29,390 message to the sixteenth edition of the globe sec tread forum dedicated to 4 00:00:29,390 --> 00:00:38,900 theme of the in the world back beta I greet you all the organizers i 5 00:00:38,900 --> 00:00:43,850 Attending this conference I would like to express my gratitude for 6 00:00:43,850 --> 00:00:51,890 the platform that the bratislava forum offers to the important debate on 7 00:00:51,890 --> 00:00:57,530 reconstruction of our world after the pandemic experience that us 8 00:00:57,530 --> 00:01:04,430 it forces us to confront a series of ecological socio-economic issues 9 00:01:04,430 --> 00:01:12,649 and serious and all interrelated policies in this regard I would like to propose to you 10 00:01:12,649 --> 00:01:20,900 some ideas taking inspiration from the trinomial method to see and judge 11 00:01:20,900 --> 00:01:28,790 take action see a serious and honest analysis of the past that includes the 12 00:01:28,790 --> 00:01:33,740 recognition of the systematic deficiencies of the errors committed e 13 00:01:33,740 --> 00:01:41,810 of the lack of responsibility towards creators, neighbor and creation 14 00:01:41,810 --> 00:01:48,530 it seems to me essential to develop an idea of ​​recovery that aims not only at 15 00:01:48,530 --> 00:01:54,009 rebuild what was there but fix what doesn't already work 16 00:01:54,009 --> 00:02:00,790 before the advent of the colon to virus and which contributed to aggravate the crisis 17 00:02:00,790 --> 00:02:06,130 whoever wants to get up from a fall must deal with the circumstances of the 18 00:02:06,130 --> 00:02:13,390 own collapse recognize the elements of responsibility I see a world everywhere 19 00:02:13,390 --> 00:02:20,109 who has been fooled by an illusory sense of security based on hunger 20 00:02:20,110 --> 00:02:25,060 of earnings I see a model of economic life e 21 00:02:25,060 --> 00:02:30,720 social characterized by many inequalities and selfishness in which 22 00:02:30,720 --> 00:02:36,820 a tiny minority of the world's population owns the 23 00:02:36,820 --> 00:02:44,489 majority of assets often do not hesitate to exploit people and resources 24 00:02:44,490 --> 00:02:51,459 I see a lifestyle that doesn't care enough for the environment it is 25 00:02:51,459 --> 00:02:58,540 accustomed to consuming and destroying without restraint what belongs to everyone 26 00:02:58,540 --> 00:03:05,679 and it must be safeguarded with respect that the ecological debt borne above all by the 27 00:03:05,680 --> 00:03:09,480 poor and future generations 28 00:03:10,350 --> 00:03:16,420 judge the second step and evaluate what has been seen by saying goodbye to my parents 29 00:03:16,420 --> 00:03:21,040 collaborators of the Roman curia on the occasion of last Christmas 30 00:03:21,040 --> 00:03:26,829 I made a first reflection on the meaning of the crisis the crisis opens 31 00:03:26,830 --> 00:03:32,250 new possibilities is in fact an open challenge to face the situation 32 00:03:32,250 --> 00:03:39,459 current to transform the time of trial into a time of choice, a crisis 33 00:03:39,459 --> 00:03:47,080 in fact it forces you to choose for good or for evil from a crisis like I have 34 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:53,350 already repeated it does not come out the same or it comes out better or it comes out worse but 35 00:03:53,350 --> 00:04:00,730 the same never judging what we have seen and experienced encourages us to improve 36 00:04:00,730 --> 00:04:05,470 let's take advantage of this time to take steps forward 37 00:04:05,470 --> 00:04:12,820 the crisis that has hit everyone reminds us that no one is saved alone 38 00:04:12,820 --> 00:04:19,139 the crisis opens the way to a future that recognizes true equality 39 00:04:19,139 --> 00:04:26,860 of every human being not an abstract but concrete equality that offers to 40 00:04:26,860 --> 00:04:39,130 people to peoples fair and real opportunities for development take action 41 00:04:39,130 --> 00:04:44,409 it wastes the opportunities offered by the crisis to act in the face of injustices 42 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:50,380 social and marginalization requires a development model that places it at the center 43 00:04:50,380 --> 00:04:56,909 every man is the whole man as a fundamental pillar to be respected and protected 44 00:04:56,910 --> 00:05:03,130 adopting a methodology that includes the literature of solidarity and charity 45 00:05:03,130 --> 00:05:08,770 politics every action needs a vision 46 00:05:08,770 --> 00:05:15,130 a vision that one has of the whole and of hope a vision like that of 47 00:05:15,130 --> 00:05:22,120 biblical prophet isaiah who saw the swords transmuting into alatri the spears into 48 00:05:22,120 --> 00:05:29,580 sickle act for the development of all and carry out a work of conversion 49 00:05:29,580 --> 00:05:37,240 first of all decisions are converted death into life weapons on TV but we have 50 00:05:37,240 --> 00:05:43,810 everyone also needs to undertake an ecological conversion the vision of 51 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:49,900 together it includes in fact the perspective of a yarn intended as a common home e 52 00:05:49,900 --> 00:05:56,198 urgently requires action to protect their dear animated friends from 53 00:05:56,199 --> 00:06:00,990 hope that comes from god hope your exchanges these days 54 00:06:00,990 --> 00:06:07,090 contribute to a model of recovery capable of generating pro solutions 55 00:06:07,090 --> 00:06:12,530 inclusive and sustainable a development model that is founded 56 00:06:12,530 --> 00:06:18,190 on peaceful coexistence between peoples and on harmony with creation 57 00:06:18,190 --> 00:06:22,510 good job and thanks